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Magz's LJ Layout Test Comm
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27th-Feb-2009 11:14 pm(no subject)
[stock] winding road.
Oops, forgot to test one thing.

this is code, here. Sure is. Yup.
25th-Feb-2009 10:25 pm - Nothing to see here, move it along.
[fnl] tim riggins.
This? This is also a test entry. I shall fill it with things like blockquotes, bold text, italicized text, and the like. [info]wherethewind! [info]windblowsby!

I like cheese! Cheese is delicious, nutritious, and also delicious. Many people like many different cheeses. OMG cheese. I like gouda and brie and cheddar and swiss and muenster and colby and monterey jack and even American, even though that's not really cheese.
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